Assorted Poems

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Drowning in my problems
As if in a raging sea
A vision of Jesus appears
Holding out his hands to me.

As he reaches down and I reach up
He lifts me steadily out of the water
Grasping my arms tightly
I hear Him say, ~ "I've caught her."

I wonder to whom is he speaking
As he leads me safely ashore'
I know I want to be with Him
Now and forevermore.

Are these angels and saints that I see?
Could it be the place of happy repose?
Is this what Heaven looks like?
Or am I dreaming do you suppose?

I soak in the scents of colorful flowers;
I hear the sound of sweet birds singing.
The sounds and scents come and go,
Then I hear a distant bell ringing.

Between slumber and wakefulness
I hear the Lord to me relay,
"My child, I'll always come to you
Whenever you kneel to pray,
Now arise, and begin
This brand new day."

© Mel Patterson, 4-29-06

Thursday, April 27, 2006

" Tea with Elinor's Mother "

She has aged hands, veins big and blue,
With palms that yearn to touch and hug, too;
Gnarled fingers, nails neatly filed
She gently strokes an imaginary child.

Who is this wheelchair-bound lady,
Who answers to the name of Sadie?
How can it be - she does not remember me?
"Sadie, let's enjoy a delicious cup of tea".

Lovely smile, moist deep brown eyes
Staring off into the azure blue skies,
Who lives inside you, Sadie, friend of my past?
Do you not know our friendship will always last?

Your daughter has the same moist eyes,
And so often she tries to stifle her cries.
Spending endless hours in your every need
She prays you remember her, your own seed.

In another world? Please come back,
At least for her in her maternal lack.
Sadie, embrace her warmly once more;
Kiss her sweetly, and remember she is Elinor.

You named her after your own mother,
Sadly you can't remember even your brother.
You surely don't remember me
Even though we drank tankards of tea.

I love Elinor as if she were my own precious girl
I'm looking after her, your treasured pearl.
I keep an eye and my heart also on your son
Who brings a sweet humor and tea by the ton.

So we shall go on drinking tea together
On the veranda, dining room, wherever
Enjoying our friendship, sipping our brew
Sadie, you are so special to me, I hope I am to you.

Knowing you has been a pure pleasure;
God has blessed me above all measure.
Our cups surely overflow ~with tea ~
Into our saucers, how GOD-BLESSED are we!

© Mel Patterson 4-27-06

Friday, April 14, 2006

" To My Husband "

(for the widow, God bless her heart, and her children)

You blessed our lives with dignity and grace,
Now you behold His adorable Face.
One day we shall join you in Heaven above,
United in the Presence of God's all-encompassing Love.

We loved you greatly while you were here,
You are loved even more than ever, my Dear.
The children miss you already and so do I.
We will be brave and try not to cry
..too much...
As we bid you good-bye.

In Heaven's Mansion take your rest;
We are celebrating your being so very blest.
Remember us when you speak to the Lord;
Tell Him we love him and we accord
Praise to His Name !!!
He ever remains the Same !!!
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord !!!
© Mel Patterson 4-14-06

Sunday, April 02, 2006

" He brings me Coffee "

He brings me coffee instead of flowers
Almost everyday without fail;
Upon my heart his love he showers
He causes my spirit to sail.

For him I am grateful every day,
As I thank our God above
For sending my husband my way,
And for blessing me with his love.

I may not get flowers often,
I may not get blooms in my hand;
From the outset my heart he did SO soften
Our married life is anything but bland.

He is my life partner, sage and wise;
He picks me up when I am down,
Makes me laugh, at least he tries
And quite often he's a delightful clown.

He brings me coffee instead of posies
His beautiful spirit blesses me.
Everyday to Wawa he moseys,
Coming back home to me - with coffee,
back home to me with coffee.

© Mel Patterson, 4-2-06