Assorted Poems

Friday, July 15, 2011


As this 2 o'clock hour plays upon my mind;
Yesterday's events were one of a kind...
What thoughts do I find?

Well, Yesterday...

I stretched by my window and saw the sun in the azure sky;
A few huge puffy white clouds were gliding by
And I breathed a peaceful sigh.

My hot coffee tasted extra good as I sat in my easy chair
Opened my prayer book and read with great care
Knowing and believing full well God was right there.

Yesterday I took advantage of a gift given to me
By one of my daughters, from Christmas you see;
It was a refreshing relaxing facial and felt heavenly.

With the car windows open, breezes blowing my hair
Tranquility drowned out a bit by the traffic there.
Yet it was a great day and I said a thankful prayer.

Ran into an old friend at an outdoor shopping mall;
We exchanged phone numbers and she promised to call.
Then and there another one of my daughters we saw.

We are empty nesters now, all five are married
Sometimes I wonder how much I was harried
As we pulled together in the load we carried.

It was all worth it to see them settled
Now with families of their own
So glad we never meddled
Family love has grown.
Thanks be to God, Alone!

Yesterday was lovely
I don't mind being up late
It's getting up at 7 ~ I'll not anticipate.

Good Night!

Mel Patterson, 7-16-11

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When faced with a challenge

We swiftly want to flee

From making a decision

To move or cop a plea.

Is it better to go with it or wait

As life quickly passes by

Or better to hesitate

Bewailing our fate, not try?

Deciding to move ahead or not

Making a list of cons and pros

Helps make it easier to discern

Keeping us on our toes.

So, if we go or if we stay

Is not really wrong or right

It is simply a matter of choice

Of fight or flight in hindsight.

By Mel Patterson, 7-13-11

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