Assorted Poems

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Lord, God, your children are calling;
Our brothers and sisters are falling.
The weight of the world crushes;
Tide water rushes and gushes.

Save us, Lord Jesus.

Save us from perilous waters ~
We, your sons and daughters
Fall to our knees - help us, please;
Hear our passionate pleas.

Save us, Lord Jesus.

Come to our aid, O dear Lord
You are forevermore adored;
We place our faith and trust in you ~
Upon our hearts your Love imbue.

Save us, Lord Jesus.

Immerse us in your saving grace ~
Help us to always keep the pace
With your will, teaching us the skill
To be true to your tenets,
Reaping benefits,
O Wholy Holy Lord !

Save us, Lord Jesus.


© Mel Patterson, 8-9-06

Monday, August 07, 2006

" We Have Need of You, Lord "

I have need of you, Lord, this day;
Please hear my heart as I pray.
Listen to what my words cannot say;
I have need of you, Lord, this day.

We have need of you, Lord, this day;
Please hear what our hearts pray.
Listen to what our words cannot say;
We have need of you, Lord, this day.

Please hear the prayers of the heart ~
As we lift our needs to you, O Lord;
Your blessings and mercies do impart;
It's by you graces enough are poured.

We have need of you, Lord, this day.
Thank you for hearing, and listening,
Blessing and granting this day's needs.
Thank the Holy Spirit who leads
us to receive
the necessary grace
to come to you
in prayerful petition,
thanksgiving and praise.


© Mel Patterson, 8-7-06