The heart of Mary bids us "Come;"
She calls us to follow her Son;
Through the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts
Blessed Salvation has been won.
As Legionaries go out in tandem two by two
The Legion of Mary honors Our Lady's name
We pray the Rosary, visit shut-ins, and residents
Those we visit are so glad we came.
The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff
An Irishman who loved Our Lady dearly;
He started the very first Praesidium in 1921
Blessed by Our Lady, which we can see...clearly.
Tonight we make our "Promise" and
As Candidates in anticipation
We wait for the Holy Spirit's and Mary's blessings;
So ready for the joy-filled celebration !
The Legionary and the Holy Trinity
Share a deep affinity
with our Blessed Virgin Mary
Throughout infinity.
© Mel Patterson 3-30-06